Lack Of Genotype And Phenotype Correlation In A Rice T-Dna Tagged Line Is Likely Caused By Introgression In The Seed Source

PLOS ONE(2016)

引用 7|浏览14
Rice (Oryza sativa) is one of the most important crops in the world. Several rice insertional mutant libraries are publicly available for systematic analysis of gene functions. However, the tagging efficiency of these mutant resources-the relationship between genotype and phenotype- is very low. We used whole-genome sequencing to analyze a T-DNA-tagged transformant from the Taiwan Rice Insertional Mutants (TRIM) resource. The phenomics records for M0028590, one of the TRIM lines, revealed three phenotypes-wild type, large grains, and tillering dwarf-in the 12 T-1 plants. Using the sequencing data for 7 plants fromthree generations of this specific line, we demonstrate that introgression from an indica rice varietymight occur in one generation before the seed was used for callus generation and transformation of this line. In addition, the large-grain trait came fromthe GS3 gene of the introgressed region and the tillering dwarf phenotype came froma single nucleotide change in the D17 gene that occurred during the callus induction to regeneration of the transformant. As well, another regenerant showed completely heterozygous single-nucleotide polymorphisms across the whole genome. In addition to the known sequence changes such as T-DNA integration, single nucleotide polymorphism, insertion, deletion, chromosome rearrangement and doubling, spontaneous outcrossing occurred in the rice field may also explain some mutated traits in a tagged mutant population. Thus, the co-segregation of an integration event and the phenotype should be checked when using these mutant populations.
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