MojoSort: a versatile nanoparticle for magnetic isolation of cells with high purity, yield, and preserved functionality

Journal of Immunology(2015)

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The isolation of specific cells from a complex population is a technical challenge that researchers face very often. Several strategies have emerged over the years, including gradient centrifugation, Fluorescent Activated Cell Sorting and Magnetic Activated Cell Sorting. Magnetic labeling is the most common approach, as it constitutes a fast, reliable, and convenient method to obtain populations with high purity and yield, and the cells are suitable for downstream applications. Here we present a new type of magnetic nanoparticles that may be used with current separation methods. To illustrate the ease and utility of the system, while maintaining functionality of the isolated cells, bone marrow cells were isolated from C57BL/6 mice using magnetic particles, and characterized by flow cytometry. The cells were then differentiated towards a macrophage-like phenotype in vitro . After culture, the cells were stimulated with LPS and CpG and the activated phenotype was compared to non-stimulated cells. Surface markers analyzed include CD80, CD86 and MHC II. The supernatant was collected and screened for the presence of cytokines, such as IFN-b, GM-CSF, IL-1b, IL-12, among others. The isolated cells show a differential activation phenotype, as well as a defined cytokine profile, in accordance with the stimulation used when compared to non-stimulated cells. Thus, we validated the high quality performance of BioLegend’s new low-cost magnetic cell separation system.
magnetic isolation,versatile nanoparticle,cells
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