17 Numerical study of imaged-based human mitral valve coupled with the left ventricle


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Mitral valve (MV) disease due to rheumatic fever is probably the greatest heart valve problem, leading to scarring and distortion of the valve tissue with consequent incompetence and stenosis. For example, MV regurgitation (MR), a condition in which MV cannot close tightly, allows blood to flow backward in heart and may induce heart dilatation. If left untreated, severe MR can cause left ventricular failure, atrial fibrillation, pulmonary hypertension, and even death. In this talk, we will present an integrated model of MV coupled with the left ventricle (LV). The model is derived from clinical images and takes into account of the important valvular features, left ventricle contraction, nonlinear soft tissue mechanics, fluid structure interaction, and most importantly, the MV-LV interaction. The integrated MV and LV model can simulate the cardiac function both in diastole and systole with detailed structural and fluid dynamics. Although the model is a step towards simulating physiologically realistic situation, improvements are needed in order to achieve subject specific modelling, associated not only with geometry, but also with material properties and boundary conditions. We are eager to communicate with clinicians to improve our model and understand changes, due to various pathological conditions.
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