A creative alternative to reflective writing: promoting skills of reflection through walking a labyrinth


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Results: The prevalence of simple MND was 27% (n= 17), complex MND 5% (n= 3). The prevalence of MND was evenly divided between boys (n= 10) and girls (n= 10). Simple MND appeared more in girls (n= 10) than boys (n= 7), complex MND appeared only in boys (n= 3). The most commonly affected unit in TowenNEwas coordination. Prevalence of MND was correlated with age (lower prevalence, older age, r=−0.296, p< 0.05) and help needed with dressing (higher prevalence, more help, r= 0.317, p< 0.05). Prevalence of MND did not correlate statistically significantly with gender, Apgar score, emergence of walking, activity and academic achievement. Dysfunction in coordination according to TowenNE was correlated with the help needed with dressing (r= 0.289, p< 0.05) and dysfunction in finemotorwas correlatedwith the help neededwith shoelaces (r= 0.256, p< 0.05). Conclusion(s):The prevalence of simpleMND in healthy 7-9-year-old children is 27% and of complex MND 5%. The prevalence of MND is correlated with age: simple MND appears less in older children. The most common dysfunctional units of TowenNE are coordination and fine motor. Higher need for help while dressing is statistically significantly correlated with the prevalence of MND and coordination problems. Implications: TowenNE is a simple test that should be more widely introduced to physiotherapists. This 30minute examination requires no special equipment and helps to select children, who need special assessment and attention.
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