Nanotechnology-Based Approaches for Guiding Neural Regeneration

Accounts of Chemical Research(2016)

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ConspectusThe mammalian brain is a phenomenal piece of “organic machinery” that has fascinated scientists and clinicians for centuries. The intricate network of tens of billions of neurons dispersed in a mixture of chemical and biochemical constituents gives rise to thoughts, feelings, memories, and life as we know it. In turn, subtle imbalances or damage to this system can cause severe complications in physical, motor, psychological, and cognitive function. Moreover, the inevitable loss of nerve tissue caused by degenerative diseases and traumatic injuries is particularly devastating because of the limited regenerative capabilities of the central nervous system (i.e., the brain and spinal cord).Among current approaches, stem-cell-based regenerative medicine has shown the greatest promise toward repairing and regenerating destroyed neural tissue. However, establishing controlled and reliable methodologies to guide stem cell differentiation into specialized neural cells of interest (e.g., neurons and oligo...
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