Curious about Student Participation in Humanitarian Open Source Software?

Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education(2020)

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This special session is intended for people who are curious about integrating Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software (HFOSS) into their courses and involving students in HFOSS projects. HFOSS participation provides an excellent vehicle to introduce students to computing for social good while also giving them experience with real-world software development. The session will begin with a series of lightning talks by faculty who have incorporated HFOSS participation into one or more of their courses. This will be followed by a small group activity to allow attendees to ask questions and discuss individual interests in integrating HFOSS activities and to become familiar with HFOSS educational resources available for instructors. The session will conclude with some closing comments on current and planned activities of instructors who are teaching with HFOSS and suggestions for faculty who would like to pursue this teaching approach themselves.
computing for social good, hfoss, humanitarian free and open source software, real-world projects
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