Short in-Frame Insertions/Deletions in the Coding Sequence of the α-Globin Gene. Consequences of the 3D Structure and Resulting Phenotypes: Hb Choisy as an Example.


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A small group of hemoglobin (Hb) variants result from 'in-frame' deletion/insertion (del/ins). We describe a new variant of this group (Hb Choisy), found on the alpha 1 gene, which is the exact counterpart of a previously published deletional variant, Hb J-Biskra [codons 51-58 (or codons 52-59) (-24 bp) (-TCTGCCCAGGTTAAGGGCCACGGC); HBA1: c.157_180del (or HBA2)]. In Hb J-Biskra, the sequence Ser-Ala-Gln-Val-Lys-Gly-His-Gly located from positions alpha 52(E1) to alpha 59(E8) is deleted, while in Hb Choisy the same sequence (Ser-Ala-Gln-Val-Lys-Gly-His-Gly) is inserted at position alpha 52(E1). The variant carrying the insertion appears to be less damaging than the one with the deletion. A possible explanation could be that the additional sequence is located in the C to E interhelical region, and is less disturbing to the general structure of the globin chain. This insertion/deletion (ins/del) is likely favored by the repetition, at an interval of 16 nucleotides, of an eight nucleotide sequence. Comparison of variants of this group, found in the HbVar database, shows that structural modifications resulting from insertions are frequently less damaging than that caused by deletions.
alpha-Globin,hemoglobin (Hb) variant,insertion/deletion (ins/del),molecular modeling
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