Facilitating Learning in Isolated Places Through an Autonomous LMS.

Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering(2018)

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Current research argues that eLearning and mobile learning are forms of learning that could take place outside the classroom and the traditional learning environments. In addition, recent advancement in technology and increased use of smart devices permit students to carry with them a kind of portable smart device. Inevitably, sooner or later, these devices will become integral educational tools, such as pencils and books, while learning outside the classroom will continue to gain popularity as another form of learning. Ubiquitous learning aims to stimulate the wide use of ICT in Education and the enactment of autonomous digital resources for Outdoor learning. Technology could provide innovative ways of conducting outdoor courses, encompassing knowledge and physical activity. This paper presents the eClass-Pi system that facilitates outside the classroom eLearning and m-learning educational processes. It provides all the functionalities of a typical Learning Management Systems as well as synchronous and asynchronous teaching, portability and energy autonomy.
Learning outside the classroom,Mobile learning,Hybrid courses,Digital and educational tools & practices,Blended Learning,Educational strategies
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