Measurement of the 43Sc production cross-section with a deuteron beam.

Applied radiation and isotopes : including data, instrumentation and methods for use in agriculture, industry and medicine(2018)

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43,44Sc/47Sc is one of the most promising theranostic pairs in nuclear medicine. The co-emission of 1157 keV γ-rays with 99.9% branching ratio by 44Sc and the presence of its metastable state 44 mSc push to favour the adoption of 43Sc for Positron Emission Tomography (PET) diagnostic procedures to lighten the dose to the patient and to the personnel. The β+ emitter 43Sc can be produced at a medical cyclotron by proton bombardment of an enriched 43Ca or 46Ti oxide target. 43Sc can be also produced by deuteron bombardment of an enriched 42Ca oxide target. Only a few medical cyclotrons currently in operation offer deuteron beams. Some can be adapted to operate both a proton or a deuteron source. To compare these three production routes, an accurate knowledge of the cross-sections is essential. In this paper, we report on the cross-section measurement of the reaction 42Ca(d,n)43Sc performed at the 6 MV HVEC EN-Tandem of the Ion Beam Physics group at ETH in Zürich. A study of the production yield by using commercially available enriched target materials is also presented.
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