Polymicrobial anaerobic infection with a deep abscess in the supraspinous fossa following a subacromial corticosteroid injection.

BMJ case reports(2018)

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In September 2015, a male aged 61 years with poorly controlled diabetes (his only medical problem) had left shoulder surgery that included an arthroscopic acromioplasty with debridement of suture material from a rotator cuff repair done 10 years prior. A subacromial corticosteroid injection was given 7 months later for pain and reduced motion. Three weeks later a fulminate infection was evident. Cultures grew Treatment included two arthroscopic debridement surgeries and 8 weeks of intravenous antibiotics (primarily daptomycin). Eight weeks after the cessation of the antibiotics, purulence recurred and tissue cultures then grew Several additional surgeries were needed to control the infection. We failed to recognise that an abscess that extended from the subacromial space across the entire supraspinous fossa. We report this case to alert clinicians that a seemingly innocuous subacromial corticosteroid injection can lead to an atypical infection and also extend into the supraspinous fossa.
bone and joint infections,orthopaedic and trauma surgery,orthopaedics
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