Predictors of MERS-CoV infection: A large case control study of patients presenting with ILI at a MERS-CoV referral hospital in Saudi Arabia.

Hamzah A Mohd,Ziad A Memish,Sarah H Alfaraj,Donna McClish,Talal Altuwaijri,Marzouqah S Alanazi, Saleh A Aloqiel, Ahmed M Alenzi, Fahad Bafaqeeh, Amal M Mohamed, Kamel Aldosari,Sameeh Ghazal

Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease(2018)

引用 42|浏览3
Background: A case control study to better characterize the clinical features, laboratory, and radiological abnormalities associated with MERS-CoV infection in order to help with early identification of this syndrome from other respiratory infections. Methods: Eighty patients admitted to a hospital in Riyadh, diagnosed with MERS-CoV infection based on RT-PCR were matched on age, sex, and the presence of a co-morbid condition on a basis of 1:2 to other patients admitted with respiratory, symptoms and tested negative for MERS-CoV on RT-PCR. Results: None of the reported MERS-CoV presenting symptoms was significantly associated with being infected with MERS-CoV. On the other hand, WBC count was significantly lower in patients with confirmed MERS-CoV infection (median 5.7 vs 9.3, P: 0.0004). Neutrophil count was as well significantly lower in MERS-CoV patients (median 3.7 vs 6.7, P: 0.0001). Both AST, and ALT values were significantly higher in MERS-CoV infected group (AST median 42 vs 36, P: 0.03, and ALT median 33 vs 28, P: 0.003). Overall our MERS-CoV mortality rate was (10%) below the national figure of (40%). Conclusions: None of the presenting symptoms are specific for MERS-CoV infection. And out of all the investigations WBC, neutrophil counts, AST and ALT values have some predictive utility. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Middle East Respirator Syndrome,MERS-CoV,Coronavirus,Predictors,Mortality
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