Linc01433 Promotes Hepatocellular Carcinoma Progression Via Modulating The Mir-1301/Stat3 Axis


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Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) have been demonstrated to play significant roles in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) tumor progression. LINC01433 has been implicated in the progression of lung cancer. However, its biological role in HCC remains poorly understood. In our current study, we focused on the detailed mechanism of LINC01433 in HCC development. First, it was exhibited that LINC01433 was remarkably elevated in HCC cells, which indicated that LINC01433 was involved in HCC. Then, knockdown of LINC01433 was able to restrain HCC cell proliferation and cell colony formation and greatly induced cell apoptosis. On the contrary, overexpression of LINC01433 promoted HCC cell proliferation, increased cell colony formation, and enhanced cell invasion capacity. Subsequently, we found that miR-1301 was remarkably decreased in HCC cells, and it can serve as a target of LINC01433 according to bioinformatics analysis. In addition, the binding correlation between them was validated by performing RNA pull-down experiments and RIP assay. Moreover, STAT3 was predicted and validated as a target of miR-1301, and it was shown that miR-1301 mimics significantly suppressed STAT3 in HCC cells. Finally, in vivo models were established, and the results demonstrated that silencing of LINC01433 could repress HCC development through modulating miR-1301 and STAT3. Taken together, these results indicated in our study that LINC01433 participated in HCC progression through modulating the miR-1301/STAT3 axis and it might act as a novel biomarker in HCC diagnosis and treatment.
hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), LINC01433, miR-1301, STAT3
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