Ambient Noise Production by High-Frequency Neonatal Ventilators.

The Journal of Pediatrics(2019)

引用 6|浏览7
Objective To assess sound levels of 4 high-frequency neonatal ventilators to determine whether there is a safety benefit in using modern high-frequency ventilators compared with older models. Study design We performed a bench study comparing noise production of the Sensormedics 3100A Oscillator, Bunnell Life Pulse Jet Ventilators Model 203 and Model 204, and Drager VN500 in high-frequency mode. A wide range of ventilation settings was examined. All measurements were performed in triplicate using a high-fidelity sound meter, with data analyzed using ANOVA and regression analyses. Results The Drager ventilator was quietest overall, with average sound levels of 49.8 +/- 0.49 dB across all settings. The average noise from the Sensormedics was 53.6 +/- 2.01 dB, for Bunnell Model 203 was 54.1 +/- 1.09 dB, and for Bunnell Model 204 was 53.7 +/- 1.45 dB. Adjustments made to frequency/rate and mean airway pressure/ positive end-expiratory pressure had minimal effect on noise, and increasing amplitude/peak inspiratory pressure resulted in significantly more noise by all ventilators. At all settings, the Sensormedics and Bunnell ventilators were louder than the Drager, and the difference became greater as amplitude/peak inspiratory pressure was increased. Conclusions The Drager VN500 in high-frequency mode produces significantly less noise that both the Sensormedics and Bunnell ventilators. These data suggest that using the Drager VN500 as a high-frequency ventilator may reduce the potential for adverse outcomes created by ventilator noise.
decibel level,adverse noise effects,oscillator,jet ventilator
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