Potential risk factors related to the development of gastric polyps.


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Objective: Gastric polyps (GPs) are masses of cells that form on the lining inside stomach. The diagnosis and treatment of GPs are vital, since some cases may cause malignant. Endoscopic techniques have led to earlier detection of GPs, the incidence of GPs are projected to continue rising. The treatment of GPs and investigation are specific to the possible presentation, pathology, and malignant. This paper is to investigate risk factors related to GPs patients in China. Materials and methods: Total of 2048 patients who underwent gastrointestinal endoscopy from January 2014 to December 2014 were studied. Data collected included gender, age, education level, BMI, eating habits and other lifestyle behaviors. Data were assessed by both univariate and multiple logistic regression analyses. Results and discussion: Of these, 181 patients had GPs. The univariate statistical test found significant differences between age and education level (chi(2) = 92.87, p =.00, and chi(2) = 92.93, p =.00, respectively). Also, significant differences of the type of drinking water, regular eating habits, eating quickly, consumption of a high-salt, meat-based dietary, hard diet, hot food eating, watching television while meal, eating leftovers, vegetable/fruit intake, cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption were noticed (p<. 05). The multiple logistic regression analysis showed that age, dietary habits, eating styles, eating hot food or leftovers and fruit intake were associated with the development of GPs. Conclusions: Age and unhealthy lifestyle behaviors such as irregular eating habits, eating quickly, hot food, leftovers meals and a lower intake of fruit were independent risk factors for GPs.
Gastric polyps,lifestyle behaviors,risk factors
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