Development Of Polarization Consistent Basis Sets For Spin-Spin Coupling Constant Calculations For The Atoms Li, Be, Na, And Mg


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The pcJ-n basis set, optimized for spin-spin coupling constant calculations using density functional theory methods, are expanded to also include the s-block elements Li, Be, Na, and Mg, by studying several small molecules containing these elements. This is done by decontracting the underlying pc-n basis sets, followed by augmentation with additional tight functions. As was the case for the p-block elements, the convergence of the results can be significantly improved by augmentation with tight s-functions. For the p-block elements, additional tight functions of higher angular momentum were also needed, but this is not the case for the s-block elements. A search for the optimum contraction scheme is carried out using the criterion that the contraction error should be lower than the inherent error of the uncontracted pcJ-n relative to the uncontracted pcJ-4 basis set. Alarge search over possible contraction schemes is done for the Li-2 and Na-2 molecules, and based on this search contracted pcJ-n basis sets for the four atoms are recommended. This work shows that it is more difficult to contract the pcJ-n basis sets, than the underlying pc-n basis sets. However, it also shows that the pcJ-n basis sets for Li and Be can be more strongly contracted than the pcJ-n basis sets for the p-block elements. For Na and Mg, the contractions are to the same degree as for the p-block elements. Published by AIP Publishing.
polarization,atoms coupling,consistent basis sets,constant calculations,spin-spin
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