Inhibition of c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase Protects Against Brain Damage and Improves Learning and Memory After Traumatic Brain Injury in Adult Mice.


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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a global risk factor that leads to long-term cognitive impairments. To date, the disease remains without effective therapeutics because of the multifactorial nature of the disease. Here, we demonstrated that activation of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) is involved in multiple pathological features of TBI. Therefore, we investigated the disease-modifying therapeutic potential of JNK-specific inhibitor (SP600125) in TBI mice. Treating 2 different models of TBI mice with SP600125 for 7 days dramatically inhibited activated JNK, resulting in marked reductions of amyloid precursor protein (APP) expression level and in amyloid beta production and hyperphosphorylated tau and regulation of the abnormal expression of secretases. Furthermore, SP600125 strongly inhibited inflammatory responses, blood-brain barrier breakdown, apoptotic neurodegeneration, and synaptic protein loss, regulated prosurvival processes and improved motor function and behavioral outcomes in TBI mice. More interestingly, we found that SP600125 treatment ameliorated amyloidogenic APP processing and promoted the nonamyloidogenic pathway in TBI mouse brains. Our findings strongly suggest that active JNK is critically involved in disease development after TBI and that inhibition of JNK with SP600125 is highly efficient for slowing disease progression by reducing multiple pathological features in TBI mouse brains and regulating cognitive dysfunction.
amyloidogenic and nonamyloidogeneic pathway,neurodegeneration,oxidative stress,SP600125,traumatic brain injury
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