Are there any differences in quality of life and sexual functions after various types of hysterectomy - does prophylactic salpingectomy matter?


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Objectives: To assess if general quality of life and sexuality following hysterectomy performed due to benign conditions depends on the surgical approach. The SF 36v2 and FSFI were analyzed postoperatively among women after: supracervical laparoscopic hysterectomy (SLH), total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH), supracervical abdominal hysterectomy (SAH) and vaginal hysterectomy (VH). Material and methods: Study group consisted of 392 women who underwent SLH, TAH, SAH or VH for benign indications between 2010 and 2013. Additionally we analyzed patients: I-with bilateral salpingectomy and II-without salpingectomy. Sexuality and general quality of life status were assessed 12 months after operation using two questionnaires: the FSFI and the SF 36v2. Results: Postoperative SF 36v2 scores were significantly higher only in SLH group (p <= 0,05). Furthermore postoperative FSFI scores were significantly higher in SLH when compared to SAH, TAH and VH groups (p <= 0,05) and also significantly higher in SAH group than in VH group (p <= 0,05). Additional prophylactic salpingectomy did not affect the woman's quality of life and sexuality. Conclusions: Quality of life and sexual functions after SLH are better than after TAH, SAH and VH. Salpingectomy does not exert any significant influence, either on the general quality of life or sexuality in patients after different types of hysterectomy.
hysterectomy,sexuality,Health related quality of life,salpingectomy
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