Transitions through stages of alcohol involvement: The potential role of mood disorders.

Drug and alcohol dependence(2018)

引用 12|浏览24
INTRODUCTION:Although prior clinical and population-based studies have demonstrated comorbidity between mood and alcohol use disorders (AUD), there is a paucity of research assessing whether mood disorders predict transition across stages of alcohol involvement. METHOD:Hypothesizing that mood disorders predict transition across sex-specific alcohol involvement stages, we used prospective data from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC), a nationally representative survey of US adults, which included male (n = 14,564) and female (n = 20,089) participants surveyed in 2001-2 and re-interviewed in 2004-5. Latent class (LCA) and latent transition analyses (LTA) were used to assess patterns of alcohol involvement in the US and the association of lifetime mood disorders at baseline with transition across stages of alcohol involvement during follow-up. RESULTS:A three-class model of AUD criteria was identified (No problems, Moderate problems and Severe problems) for both sexes. Positive cross-sectional associations between mood disorder and problem classes of alcohol involvement were found among both sexes, as were positive longitudinal associations. Propensity score adjustment mitigated the associations of baseline mood disorder with progressive transition for both sexes. However, among females, baseline mood disorder was consistently associated with reduction in remission from Severe to Moderate alcohol problems (aOR = 0.30, CI = 0.09-0.99, p = .048) over time. DISCUSSION:Our study provides evidence that mood disorders impact transition through stages of alcohol involvement and are most strongly associated with hindering remission among females. Findings advance our understanding of these comorbid relationships and have clinical implications for ongoing assessment of drinking patterns among individuals with mood disorders.
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