Transcriptional and epigenetic modulation of autophagy promotes EBV oncoprotein EBNA3C induced B-cell survival


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Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) oncoprotein EBNA3C is indispensable for primary B-cell transformation and maintenance of lymphoblastoid cells outgrowth. EBNA3C usurps two putative cellular pathways—cell-cycle and apoptosis, essentially through modulating ubiquitin-mediated protein-degradation or gene transcription. In cancer cells, these two pathways are interconnected with autophagy,—a survival-promoting catabolic network in which cytoplasmic material including mis/un-folded protein aggregates and damaged organelles along with intracellular pathogens are degraded and recycled in lysosomal compartments. Studies have shown that tumor viruses including EBV can manipulate autophagy as a survival strategy. Here, we demonstrate that EBNA3C elevates autophagy, which serves as a prerequisite for apoptotic inhibition and maintenance of cell growth. Using PCR based micro-array we show that EBNA3C globally accelerates autophagy gene transcription under growth limiting conditions. Reanalyzing the ENCODE ChIP-sequencing data (GSE52632 and GSE26386) followed by ChIP-PCR demonstrate that EBNA3C recruits several histone activation epigenetic marks (H3K4me1, H3K4me3, H3K9ac, and H3K27ac) for transcriptional activation of autophagy genes, notably ATG3 , ATG5 , and ATG7 responsible for autophagosome formation. Moreover, under growth limiting conditions EBNA3C further stimulates the autophagic response through upregulation of a number of tumor suppressor genes, notably cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors— CDKN1B (p27 Kip1 ) and CDKN2A (p16 INK4a ) and autophagy mediated cell-death modulators— DRAM1 and DAPK1 . Together our data highlight a new role of an essential EBV oncoprotein in regulating autophagy cascade as a survival mechanism and offer novel-targets for potential therapeutic expansion against EBV induced B-cell lymphomas.
Life Sciences,general,Biochemistry,Cell Biology,Immunology,Cell Culture,Antibodies
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