The Problem Of Home Choice In Skyline-Based Homing

PLOS ONE(2018)

引用 8|浏览18
Navigation in cluttered environments is an important challenge for animals and robots alike and has been the subject of many studies trying to explain and mimic animal navigational abilities. However, the question of selecting an appropriate home location has, so far, received only little attention. This is surprising, since the choice of a home location might greatly influence an animal's navigation performance. To address the question of home choice in cluttered environments, a systematic analysis of homing trajectories was performed by computer simulations using a skyline-based local homing method. Our analysis reveals that homing performance strongly depends on the location of the home in the environment. Furthermore, it appears that by assessing homing success in the immediate vicinity of the home, an animal might be able to predict its overall success in returning to it from within a much larger area.
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