Neonatal Ethanol Disturbs the Normal Maturation of Parvalbumin Interneurons Surrounded by Subsets of Perineuronal Nets in the Cerebral Cortex: Partial Reversal by Lithium.


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Reduction in parvalbumin-positive (PV+) interneurons is observed in adult mice exposed to ethanol at postnatal day 7 (P7), a late gestation fetal alcohol spectrum disorder model. To evaluate whether PV+ cells are lost, or PV expression is reduced, we quantified PV+ and associated perineuronal net (PNN)(+) cell densities in barrel cortex. While PNN+ cell density was not reduced by P7 ethanol, PV cell density decreased by 25% at P90 with no decrease at P14. PNN+ cells in controls were virtually all PV+, whereas more than 20% lacked PV in ethanol-treated adult animals. P7 ethanol caused immediate apoptosis in 10% of GFP(+) cells in G42 mice, which express GFP in a subset of PV+ cells, and GFP(+) cell density decreased by 60% at P90 without reduction at P14. The ethanol effect on PV+ cell density was attenuated by lithium treatment at P7 or at P14-28. Thus, reduced PV+ cell density may be caused by disrupted cell maturation, in addition to acute apoptosis. This effect may be regionally specific: in the dentate gyrus, P7 ethanol reduced PV+ cell density by 70% at P14 and both PV+ and PNN+ cell densities by 50% at P90, and delayed lithium did not alleviate ethanol's effect.
barrel cortex,Cat-315,dentate gyrus,fetal alcohol spectrum disorders,G42 mice
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