[Imaging and biopsy of soft tissue tumors].

L Fenzl, K Bubel, M Mehrmann,G Schneider


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Soft tissue tumors represent a special challenge in interdisciplinary cooperation. Malignant tumors require a multimodal therapy concept so that patient treatment in a specialized tumor center is recommended. The task of the surgeon in close cooperation with the radiologist is the resection of the tumor in sano with the required safety margin. The aim of diagnostic imaging is to describe the primary expansion of the tumor size and a possible tumor infiltration of adjacent compartments. The most important diagnostic imaging for this purpose is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), especially T1-weighted fat-suppressed gadolinium-enhanced sequences. Together with T2-weighted sequences a reliable differentiation between necrosis and vital tumor tissue is possible, which enables a targeted biopsy of vital tumor tissue. For the differentiation between benign and malignant soft tissue tumors and for determination of histological differentation a core needle biopsy, either computer tomography-guided or under sonographic control and increasingly more by MRI guidance, is currently the gold standard in most tumor centers. A representative biopsy from vital tumor tissue leads to the diagnosis with a very high degree of certainty.
Soft tissue,Tumor resection,Diagnostic imaging,Magnetic resonance imaging,Core needle biopsy
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