Tackling the Qubit Mapping Problem for NISQ-Era Quantum Devices

ASPLOS '19: Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems Providence RI USA April, 2019(2019)

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Due to little consideration in the hardware constraints, e.g., limited connections between physical qubits to enable two-qubit gates, most quantum algorithms cannot be directly executed on the Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices. Dynamically remapping logical qubits to physical qubits in the compiler is needed to enable the two-qubit gates in the algorithm, which introduces additional operations and inevitably reduces the fidelity of the algorithm. Previous solutions in finding such remapping suffer from high complexity, poor initial mapping quality, and limited flexibility and controllability. To address these drawbacks mentioned above, this paper proposes a SWAP-based BidiREctional heuristic search algorithm SABRE, which is applicable to NISQ devices with arbitrary connections between qubits. By optimizing every search attempt,globally optimizing the initial mapping using a novel reverse traversal technique, introducing the decay effect to enable the trade-off between the depth and the number of gates of the entire algorithm, SABRE outperforms the best known algorithm with exponential speedup and comparable or better results on various benchmarks.
Quantum Computing,Qubit Mapping,NISQ
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