Memory Access Pattern Profiling for Streaming Applications Based on MATLAB Models

2018 28th International Symposium on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS)(2018)

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In order to cope with the problems caused by the Data Deluge, for application-specific architectures it is important to design the system in such a way that the processing and memory subsystems are geared to each other. Especially for systems that need to fulfill high data throughput demands, there is a high risk, that otherwise there will be high degradation of the overall system performance caused by memory accesses. However especially for application-specific designs, it is possible to create a tailored memory subsystem by profiling the applications memory access patterns beforehand and then incorporating the information during the system design. For this purpose we present a data access pattern profiling framework, which can provide detailed information about an applications memory access patterns based on a MATLAB model of the application.
application-specific designs,applications memory access patterns,Matlab model,streaming applications,high data throughput demands,high data throughput demands,system performance,memory subsystems,application-specific architectures,Data Deluge,memory access pattern profiling,data access pattern profiling framework,system design
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