Tacho: Memory-Scalable Task Parallel Sparse Cholesky Factorization

2018 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW)(2018)

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We present a memory-scalable, parallel, sparse multifrontal solver for solving symmetric postive-definite systems arising in scientific and engineering applications. Factorizing sparse matrices requires memory for both the computed factors and the temporary workspaces for computing each frontal matrix - a data structure commonly used within multifrontal methods. To factorize multiple frontal matrices in parallel, the conventional approach is to allocate a uniform workspace for each hardware thread. In the manycore era, this results in increasing memory usage proportional to the number of hardware threads. We remedy this problem by using dynamic task parallelism with a scalable memory pool. Tasks are spawned while traversing an assembly tree and executed after their dependences are satisfied. We also use an idea to respawn the tasks when certain conditions are not met. Temporary workspace for frontal matrices in each task is allocated from a memory pool designed by us. If the requested memory space is not available in the memory pool, the task is respawned to yield the hardware thread to execute other tasks. The respawned task is executed after high priority tasks are executed. This approach allows to have robust parallel performance within a bounded memory space. Experimental results demonstrate the merits of our implementation on Intel multicore and manycore architectures.
Kokkos,Task Parallelism,Memory Pool,Sparse Direct Method,Cholesky,Multifrontal
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