A missense mutation (c.1963A<G) of the complementary component 2 ( C2 ) gene is associated with serum Ca ++ concentrations in pigs

Molecular Biology Reports(2012)

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Serum Ca ++ levels play important roles in the humoral immunity. The aim of this study was to detect quantitative trait loci and the associated positional candidate genes affecting baseline serum Ca ++ concentrations. A genome-wide association study was conducted in an F 2 intercross population between Landrace and Korean native pigs using the porcine single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) 60 K beadchip and the PLINK program based on linear regression. Data used in the study included 410 F 2 pigs. All experimental animals were genotyped with 36,613 SNP markers located throughout the pig autosomes. We identified a strong association between a SNP marker on chromosome 7 and serum Ca ++ levels (DIAS0002191, genomic control-corrected P = 7.7 × 10 −5 ). The position of DIAS0002191 was closely located to SLA class III region containing the C2 gene encoding the complementary component 2 protein, a protein which is important in the humoral immune responses. De novo sequencing of the porcine C2 gene revealed a missense mutation [c.1963A更多
Humoral immunity,Serum Ca++,Genome-wide association study,C2 gene,Landrace,Korean native pigs
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