Fipronil 1% pour-on: further studies of its effects against lab-reared Glossina palpalis gambiensis

B. Sawadogo, J. B. Rayaisse, H. Adakal, A. T. Kabre,B. Bauer

Parasitology Research(2017)

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In order to assess the residual effects of fipronil 1% on tsetse fly survival, male Glossina palpalis gambiensis were released on non-treated and treated cattle, with 0.1 ml of fipronil/kg b.w. as a pour-on formulation. In a second trial, the female fecundity performances were evaluated by feeding teneral females on the same cattle. These females were then mated and their production parameters monitored, as well as the survival of freshly emerged flies. Fipronil had a significant effect on tsetse fly survival ( p < 0.001). Over a period of 30 days, up to 40% of tsetse fly mortality was observed within 72 h after tsetse were released. The residual effects ranged between 51 and 74 days when tsetse flies were released twice within a 15-day interval in the presence of a treated animal. When tsetse flies were fed on treated cattle through a parafilm membrane, 92 days after the treatment, no significant effect of fipronil was observed on the reproductive performance of females, i.e., as well as on fecundity ( p = 0.948) and emergence rates ( p = 0.743), or puparial weight ( p = 0.422). This was also the case for the survival of young flies, with no difference observed between the two groups. After this study, it is confirmed that fipronil is highly effective against tsetse flies. Its efficacy in controlling ticks is already known but other externalities such as the control of biting insects add value to its use.
Fipronil,Tsetse flies,Survival,Persistence
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