PAD-Net: Multi-tasks Guided Prediction-and-Distillation Network for Simultaneous Depth Estimation and Scene Parsing

2018 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(2018)

引用 448|浏览160
Depth estimation and scene parsing are two particularly important tasks in visual scene understanding. In this paper we tackle the problem of simultaneous depth estimation and scene parsing in a joint CNN. The task can be typically treated as a deep multi-task learning problem [42]. Different from previous methods directly optimizing multiple tasks given the input training data, this paper proposes a novel multi-task guided prediction-and-distillation network (PAD-Net), which first predicts a set of intermediate auxiliary tasks ranging from low level to high level, and then the predictions from these intermediate auxiliary tasks are utilized as multi-modal input via our proposed multi-modal distillation modules for the final tasks. During the joint learning, the intermediate tasks not only act as supervision for learning more robust deep representations but also provide rich multi-modal information for improving the final tasks. Extensive experiments are conducted on two challenging datasets (i.e. NYUD-v2 and Cityscapes) for both the depth estimation and scene parsing tasks, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
PAD-net,simultaneous depth estimation,particularly important tasks,visual scene understanding,deep multitask learning problem,intermediate auxiliary tasks,multimodal input,multimodal distillation modules,intermediate tasks,scene parsing tasks,multimodal information,multitasks guided prediction-and-distillation network
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