Combining semantics and augmented reality to support the human mind.

UbiComp '17: The 2017 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing Maui Hawaii September, 2017(2017)

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Humans and machines work closer together as never before. Whether it is about sensors to expand humans' sensorium, exo-skeletons augmenting physical capabilities, augmented and digital worlds breaking with physical boundaries, or curated digital memories: the value of all these technologies rises and falls with their ability to synchronize with the user's current situation, understand the needs and provide appropriate support. In this position paper we want to outline how semantic technologies can be applied to add more context and meaning to the user's role and task, and use Augmented Reality to present this information to the user. Instead of proposing yet another framework representing world knowledge we describe how to build upon existing standards, descriptions of procedures and routines, and regulations that become machine accessible. This way, machines and humans should be able to work in symbiosis. In the following we describe our motivation, list upcoming challenges and provide a first direction of how to proceed.
Semantics, Augmented Reality, Cognitive Support
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