A Black-Box Approach for Detecting Systems Anomalies in Virtualized Environments

2017 International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (ICCAC)(2017)

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Virtualization technologies allow cloud providers to optimize server utilization and cost by co-locating services in as few servers as possible. Studies have shown how applications in multi-tenant environments are susceptible to systems anomalies such as abnormal resource usage due to performance interference. Effective detection of such anomalies requires techniques that can adapt autonomously with dynamic service workloads, require limited instrumentation to cope with diverse applications services, and infer relationship between anomalies non-intrusively to avoid 'alarm fatigue' due to scale. We propose a black-box framework that includes an unsupervised prediction-based mechanism for automated anomaly detection in multi-dimensional resource behaviour of datacenter nodes and a graph-theoretic technique for ranking anomalous nodes across the datacenter. The proposed framework is evaluated using resource traces of over 100 virtual machines obtained from a production cluster as well as traces obtained from an experimental testbed under realistic service composition. The technique achieve average normalized root mean squared forecast error and R 2 of (0.92, 0.07) across hosts servers and (0.70, 0.39) across virtual machines. Also, the average detection rate is 88% while explaining 62% of SLA violations with an average lead-time of 6 time-points when the testbed is actively perturbed under three contention scenarios.
Anomaly Detection,Unsupervised Learning,Resource Monitoring and Prediction,Performance Diagnosis,Cloud Datacenters,Virtualized Services
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