Markit and Talkit: A Low-Barrier Toolkit to Augment 3D Printed Models with Audio Annotations.

UIST '17: The 30th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology Québec City QC Canada October, 2017(2017)

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As three-dimensional printers become more available, 3D printed models can serve as important learning materials, especially for blind people who perceive the models tactilely. Such models can be much more powerful when augmented with audio annotations that describe the model and their elements. We present Markit and Talkit, a low-barrier toolkit for creating and interacting with 3D models with audio annotations. Makers (e.g., hobbyists, teachers, and friends of blind people) can use Markit to mark model elements and associate then with text annotations. A blind user can then print the augmented model, launch the Talkit application, and access the annotations by touching the model and following Talkit's verbal cues. Talkit uses an RGB camera and a microphone to sense users' inputs so it can run on a variety of devices. We evaluated Markit with eight sighted "makers" and Talkit with eight blind people. On average, non-experts added two annotations to a model in 275 seconds (SD=70) with Markit. Meanwhile, with Talkit, blind people found a specified annotation on a model in an average of 7 seconds (SD=8).
Visual impairments, 3D models, computer vision
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