Recommended Methods for the Collection of Health State Utility Value Evidence in Clinical Studies


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A conceptual model framework and an initial literature review are invaluable when considering what health state utility values (HSUVs) are required to populate health states in decision models. They are the recommended starting point early within a research and development programme, and before development of phase III trial protocols. While clinical trials can provide an opportunity to collect the required evidence, their appropriateness should be reviewed against the requirements of the model structure taking into account population characteristics, time horizon and frequency of clinical events. Alternative sources such as observational studies or registries may be more appropriate when evidence describing changes in HSUVs over time or rare clinical events is required. Phase IV clinical studies may provide the opportunity to collect additional longitudinal real-world evidence. Aspects to consider when designing the collection of the evidence include patient and investigator burden, whom to ask, the representativeness of the population, the exact definitions of health states within the economic model, the timing of data collection, sample size, and mode of administration. Missing data can be an issue, particularly in longitudinal studies, and it is important to determine whether the missing data will bias inferences from analyses. For example, respondents may fail to complete follow-up questionnaires because of a relapse or the severity of their condition. The decision on the preferred study type and the particular quality of life measure should be informed by any evidence currently available in the literature, the design of data collection, and the exact requirements of the model that will be used to support resource allocation decisions (e.g. reimbursement).
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