Intelligent Warning Systems: 'Nudges' as a Form of User Control for Internet of Things Data Collection and Use.


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The modern digital world of networking and connectivity makes pos-sible a new era of computing in which users exert greater control over the col-lection and use of their personal data through the Internet of Things (IoT). Our recent empirical work indicates that traditional forms of consent are inadequate and that users are looking for different levels of and greater involvement in con-Trolling the collection and use of their personal data - with some participants voicing particular concerns about collection and use of sensitive data, such as health information, and others pointing to particular risks, such as insecure stor-Age in the Cloud. In response to these needs we propose a new Intelligent Warn-ing Application in the form of a conceptual architecture for an App that em-powers users to control their IoT data collection through users: 1) identifying their own levels of risk, 2) customizing the App allowing for the setting of their identified risk levels, and 3) situated use of the App warning users of risk-Averse situations through 'nudges'. We conclude with a discussion illustrating scenarios of the App's.
intelligent warning systems,things data collection,nudges,user control
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