Algorithmic Differentiation of Numerical Methods

Procedia Computer Science(2016)

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Adjoint mode algorithmic (also know as automatic) differentiation (AD) transforms implementations of multivariate vector functions as computer programs into first-order adjoint code. Its reapplication or combinations with tangent mode AD yields higher-order adjoint code. Second derivatives play an important role in nonlinear programming. For example, second-order (Newton-type) nonlinear optimization methods promise faster convergence in the neighborhood of the minimum through taking into account second derivative information. The adjoint mode is of particular interest in large-scale gradient-based nonlinear optimization due to the independence of its computational cost on the number of free variables. Part of the objective function may be given implicitly as the solution of a system of n parameterized nonlinear equations. If the system parameters depend on the free variables of the objective, then second derivatives of the nonlinear system's solution with respect to those parameters are required. The local computational overhead as well as the additional memory requirement for the computation of second-order adjoints of the solution vector with respect to the parameters by AD depends on the number of iterations performed by the nonlinear solver. This dependence can be eliminated by taking a symbolic approach to the differentiation of the nonlinear system.
Second-Order Adjoint Nonlinear Solver, Algorithmic Differentiation
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