Cooperative Active Distribution of Videos in Telco-CDNs

SIGCOMM Posters and Demos(2017)

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Telco-CDNs are ISP-managed CDNs deployed inside ISP networks. We propose a new content distribution system inside telco-CDN called CAD. In CAD, Content Provider and ISP collaborate to distribute multimedia content to users inside the ISP network. CAD manages both the overlay and underlay of the network to reduce the ISP interdomain traffic, improve the service latency, and minimize the intradomain link utilization. CAD achieves these goals by allowing caching servers to fetch content from other caching servers, and create videos on-demand inside the telco-CDN. We propose an algorithm to calculate the overlay and underlay of the CAD-managed telco-CDN in polynomial time. Compared against the closest approach in the literature, our initial results showed that CAD achieves up to 30% reduction in the interdomain traffic and up to 230% improvement in the service latency, while not increasing the intradomain link utilization.
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