Anatomy of Functional Components of Healthcare Information System

ICICSE '15 Proceedings of the 2015 Eighth International Conference on Internet Computing for Science and Engineering (ICICSE)(2015)

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The healthcare information system (HIS) becomes very important in today medical and healthcare services. Huge healthcare data with various types and structures are generated in a daily base. The processing and mining of the data is in urgent demand. How to design a HIS system that cooperates with cloud computing and big data technology to meet such emergence become critical, technical challenging to today's healthcare services. In this paper we present our preliminary study of computing architecture for such HIS. The architecture design is based on HIS's sub-systems (functional modules) each of which matches with corresponding healthcare service. The architecture is designed based on the feasters of desired data intensive computing systems with considerations of data volume and growth rate, heterogeneous data structures, and methods of data storages.
healthcare information systems, HIS, big data, cloud computing, healthcare services, system architecture, system of systems, SoSE, data intensive computing, high performance computing, HPC, parallel computing
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