What Your Images Reveal: Exploiting Visual Contents for Point-of-Interest Recommendation.


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The rapid growth of Location-based Social Networks (LBSNs) provides a vast amount of check-in data, which facilitates the study of point-of-interest (POI) recommendation. The majority of the existing POI recommendation methods focus on four aspects, i.e., temporal patterns, geographical influence, social correlations and textual content indications. For example, user's visits to locations have temporal patterns and users are likely to visit POIs near them. In real-world LBSNs such as Instagram, users can upload photos associating with locations. Photos not only reflect users' interests but also provide informative descriptions about locations. For example, a user who posts many architecture photos is more likely to visit famous landmarks; while a user posts lots of images about food has more incentive to visit restaurants. Thus, images have potentials to improve the performance of POI recommendation. However, little work exists for POI recommendation by exploiting images. In this paper, we study the problem of enhancing POI recommendation with visual contents. In particular, we propose a new framework Visual Content Enhanced POI recommendation (VPOI), which incorporates visual contents for POI recommendations. Experimental results on real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework.
POI recommendation, Visual contents, Location-based Social Networks
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