Inspire, Innovate, Improve!: What does this mean for CS for All?


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In January 2016, President Obama unveiled the CS for All initiative. With all the attention and publicity surrounding CS for All and increased support from a variety of corners over the ensuing year, it is easy to become complacent and start believing that we have \"arrived\". During her 2016 SIGCSE keynote, Jan Cuny talked about catching the wave and using it to our advantage. This talk will focus on where we go from here. We caught the wave; now what do we do to ensure that we don't get swallowed by it? What lessons can be learned from an election that featured the likes of fake news, Wiki leaks, rogue email servers, runaway tweets and showed in stark relief the divides that exist in our country. Computer science represents one of those divides. Given this and the fact that addressing the educational inequities prevalent in computer science was front and center in the CS for All announcement, what better time is there to renew our commitment to broadening participation in computing? As educators we have a powerful opportunity and responsibility in the wake of the blowback from the election-to educate, to listen, to remind ourselves constantly that we live in a very diverse country. We have no shortage of innovation in computer science, but who are we inspiring, what impact are those innovations having, and what can we do to learn from the lessons of the past to improve CS education? And above all, how do we respond to the challenges before us with empathy for those who are impacted by the decisions we make?
Computing Education, Broadening Participation, Teaching, Equality
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