(FPL 2015) Scavenger: Automating the Construction of Application-Optimized Memory Hierarchies.


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High-level abstractions separate algorithm design from platform implementation, allowing programmers to focus on algorithms while building complex systems. This separation also provides system programmers and compilers an opportunity to optimize platform services on an application-by-application basis. In field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), platform-level malleability extends to the memory system: Unlike general-purpose processors, in which memory hardware is fixed at design time, the capacity, associativity, and topology of FPGA memory systems may all be tuned to improve application performance. Since application kernels may only explicitly use few memory resources, substantial memory capacity may be available to the platform for use on behalf of the user program. In this work, we present Scavenger, which utilizes spare resources to construct program-optimized memories, and we also perform an initial exploration of methods for automating the construction of these application-specific memory hierarchies. Although exploiting spare resources can be beneficial, naïvely consuming all memory resources may cause frequency degradation. To relieve timing pressure in large block RAM (BRAM) structures, we provide microarchitectural techniques to trade memory latency for design frequency. We demonstrate, by examining a set of benchmarks, that our scalable cache microarchitecture achieves performance gains of 7% to 74% (with a 26% geometric mean on average) over the baseline cache microarchitecture when scaling the size of first-level caches to the maximum.
FPGA,memory hierarchy,resource-aware optimization,scalable cache
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