Assessing accessibility with local coefficients for the LUTI model MARS

Computers, Environment and Urban Systems(2017)

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Accessibility-based land use and transport interaction (LUTI) models are tools for policy assessments that facilitate coherent implementation of sustainable strategic urban plans. This study aims to improve one of those LUTI models introducing the different impact of factors influencing residential and workplace choice by computing local coefficients. In particular, this research explores the methodology of integrating the public choice model into the MARS (Metropolitan Activity Relocation Simulator) model using a complex accessibility indicator. We established a new approach to input the variation of the influence of each public service across space with the use of Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR). The model update and extension of MARS are all based on the Region of Madrid, Spain. Using the new accessibility indicator yielded better results and corrected some under estimation and overestimations in the number of workplaces. The correlation using the new accessibility indicator is significantly higher than the one using the old one. The prediction using the new indicator achieves better results for the whole area whatever the zone is small or large. The analysis evidences the convenience of GIS and LUTI combination to improve model accuracy and precision. Using the new accessibility indicator based on local coefficients, MARS model fits better with the real data in respect of the distribution of workplaces and residents, which are the key representatives of the land use sub-model.
Complex accessibility,LUTI model,Geographically weighted regression,GIS,Urban planning
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