Use of modern contraceptive methods in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: prevalence and barriers in the health zone of Dibindi, Mbuji-Mayi]

The Pan African medical journal(2017)

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This study aimed to determine modern contraceptive prevalence and the barriers to using modern contraceptive methods among the couples in Dibindi health zone, Mbuji-Mayi, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.We conducted a cross-sectional descriptive study from May to June 2015. Nonpregnant married women aged 15-49 years old at the time of the investigation, living in Dibindi health zone for two years and having freely consented to participate in the study were included. Data were collected by open-ended interview of these women. Modern contraceptive prevalence was referred to women who were currently using, at the time of the investigation, modern contraceptives. The comparison between proportions was performed at the significance threshold of 5%. Bonferroni's test was used to compare, two by two, the proportions of barriers to using modern contraceptive methods.Modern contraceptive prevalence in Dibindi was 18.4% in 2015. It was low with regard to family planning services available in this health zone. Several women refused to use modern contraceptive methods despite available information because of their desire for motherhood, religious prohibition, opposition on the part of their husband and fear of side effects.Sufficient client-centered or couple-centered information and family planning information should be strengthened in order to eliminate the false beliefs and to increase the use of modern contraceptive methods.
Family planning,modern contraceptive methods,modern contraceptives
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