A prioritized grid long short-term memory RNN for speech recognition

2016 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT)(2016)

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Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are naturally suitable for speech recognition because of their ability of utilizing dynamically changing temporal information. Deep RNNs have been argued to be able to model temporal relationships at different time granularities, but suffer vanishing gradient problems. In this paper, we extend stacked long short-term memory (LSTM) RNNs by using grid LSTM blocks that formulate computation along not only the temporal dimension, but also the depth dimension, in order to alleviate this issue. Moreover, we prioritize the depth dimension over the temporal one to provide the depth dimension more updated information, since the output from it will be used for classification. We call this model the prioritized Grid LSTM (pGLSTM). Extensive experiments on four large datasets (AMI, HKUST, GALE, and MGB) indicate that the pGLSTM outperforms alternative deep LSTM models, beating stacked LSTMs with 4% to 7% relative improvement, and achieve new benchmarks among uni-directional models on all datasets.
speech recognition,recurrent neural network,grid long short-term memory
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