Quaternion Neural Networks for Spoken Language Understanding

2016 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT)(2016)

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Machine Learning (ML) techniques have allowed a great performance improvement of different challenging Spoken Language Understanding (SLU) tasks. Among these methods, Neural Networks (NN), or Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), recently received a great interest from researchers due to their representation capability of complex internal structures in a low dimensional subspace. However, MLPs employ document representations based on basic word level or topic-based features. Therefore, these basic representations reveal little in way of document statistical structure by only considering words or topics contained in the document as a “bag-of-words”, ignoring relations between them. We propose to remedy this weakness by extending the complex features based on Quaternion algebra presented in [1] to neural networks called QMLP. This original QMLP approach is based on hyper-complex algebra to take into consideration features dependencies in documents. New document features, based on the document structure itself, used as input of the QMLP, are also investigated in this paper, in comparison to those initially proposed in [1]. Experiments made on a SLU task from a real framework of human spoken dialogues showed that our QMLP approach associated with the proposed document features outperforms other approaches, with an accuracy gain of 2% with respect to the MLP based on real numbers and more than 3% with respect to the first Quaternion-based features proposed in [1]. We finally demonstrated that less iterations are needed by our QMLP architecture to be efficient and to reach promising accuracies.
Quaternion,Neural Network,Spoken Language Understanding,Machine Learning
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