Expression on roots and contribution to maize phytostimulation of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-decarboxylate deaminase gene acdS in Pseudomonas fluorescens F113

Plant and Soil(2016)

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Aims The plant-beneficial bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens F113 harbours an acdS gene, which enables deamination of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate. The impact of abiotic and biotic factors on the expression of this gene was assessed, as well as the plant-beneficial properties of F113 under different soil moistures. Methods An acdS - egfp biosensor was constructed in F113, validated in vitro and used to analyse, by microscopy, its expression on roots of Zea mays comparatively to Beta vulgaris . An acdS mutant was constructed and compared with the wild-type to characterize plant-beneficial effects of F113 on maize lines EP1 and FV2, under well-watered and water deficit conditions. Results Different patterns of root colonization and acdS expression were observed according to plant genotype. acdS rhizoplane expression was higher on Beta vulgaris , and on maize line FV2 and hybrid PR37Y15 than on maize line EP1 and teosinte. Strain F113 but not its acdS mutant promoted root growth of EP1 under well-watered conditions and germination of FV2 under water deficit conditions. Conclusions Maize lines differed in their ability to induce acdS expression and to respond to P. fluorescens F113. The maize line leading to higher acdS expression, FV2, was the one benefiting from inoculation under water deficit.
1-aminocyclopropane-1-decarboxylate deaminase,acdS expression,Maize genotypes,Plant growth promotion,Water deficit
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