A Consumer-Centric Market for Database Computation in the Cloud

arXiv: Databases(2016)

引用 21|浏览58
The availability of public computing resources in the cloud has revolutionized data analysis, but requesting cloud resources often involves complex decisions for consumers. Under the current pricing mechanisms, cloud service providers offer several service options and charge consumers based on the resources they use. Before they can decide which cloud resources to request, consumers have to estimate the completion time and cost of their computational tasks for different service options and possibly for different service providers. This estimation is challenging even for expert cloud users. We propose a new market-based framework for pricing computational tasks in the cloud. Our framework introduces an agent between consumers and cloud providers. The agent takes data and computational tasks from users, estimates time and cost for evaluating the tasks, and returns to consumers contracts that specify the price and completion time. Our framework can be applied directly to existing cloud markets without altering the way cloud providers offer and price services. In addition, it simplifies cloud use for consumers by allowing them to compare contracts, rather than choose resources directly. We present design, analytical, and algorithmic contributions focusing on pricing computation contracts, analyzing their properties, and optimizing them in complex workflows. We conduct an experimental evaluation of our market framework over a real-world cloud service and demonstrate empirically that our market ensures three key properties: competitiveness, fairness, and resilience. Finally, we present a fine-grained pricing mechanism for complex workflows and show that it can increase agent profits by more than an order of magnitude in some cases.
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