Joint CTC-Attention based End-to-End Speech Recognition using Multi-task Learning

2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)(2017)

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Recently, there has been an increasing interest in end-to-end speech recognition that directly transcribes speech to text without any predefined alignments. One approach is the attention-based encoder-decoder framework that learns a mapping between variable-length input and output sequences in one step using a purely data-driven method. The attention model has often been shown to improve the performance over another end-to-end approach, the Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC), mainly because it explicitly uses the history of the target character without any conditional independence assumptions. However, we observed that the performance of the attention has shown poor results in noisy condition and is hard to learn in the initial training stage with long input sequences. This is because the attention model is too flexible to predict proper alignments in such cases due to the lack of left-to-right constraints as used in CTC. This paper presents a novel method for end-to-end speech recognition to improve robustness and achieve fast convergence by using a joint CTC-attention model within the multi-task learning framework, thereby mitigating the alignment issue. An experiment on the WSJ and CHiME-4 tasks demonstrates its advantages over both the CTC and attention-based encoder-decoder baselines, showing 5.4-14.6% relative improvements in Character Error Rate (CER).
end-to-end,speech recognition,connectionist temporal classification,attention,multi-task learning
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