Entity disambiguation to Wikipedia using collective ranking.

Inf. Process. Manage.(2016)

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We propose Feedback-query-expansion and Re-ranking methods which model the semantic relatedness of entities in one document.We demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods by comparing with the baseline systems on three data sets.Our team has scored in the top 3 teams across multiple metrics for the English EDL task in TAC2014. Entity disambiguation is a fundamental task of semantic Web annotation. Entity Linking (EL) is an essential procedure in entity disambiguation, which aims to link a mention appearing in a plain text to a structured or semi-structured knowledge base, such as Wikipedia. Existing research on EL usually annotates the mentions in a text one by one and treats entities independent to each other. However this might not be true in many application scenarios. For example, if two mentions appear in one text, they are likely to have certain intrinsic relationships. In this paper, we first propose a novel query expansion method for candidate generation utilizing the information of co-occurrences of mentions. We further propose a re-ranking model which can be iteratively adjusted based on the prediction in the previous round. Experiments on real-world data demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed methods for entity disambiguation.
Named entity disambiguation,Feedback-query-expansion,Re-ranking
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