A Comparative Study of Query-biased and Non-redundant Snippets for Structured Search on Mobile Devices

ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management(2016)

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To investigate what kind of snippets are better suited for structured search on mobile devices, we built an experimental mobile search application and conducted a task-oriented interactive user study with 39 participants. Four different versions of the search engine result page (SERP) were compared by varying the snippet type (query-biased vs. non-redundant) and the snippet length (two vs. four lines per result). We adopted a within-subjects experiment design and made each participant do four realistic search tasks using different versions of the application. During the study sessions, we collected search logs, “think-aloud” comments, and post-task surveys. Each session was finalized with an interview. We found that with non-redundant snippets participants were able to complete the tasks faster and find more relevant results. Participants preferred non-redundant snippets more and wanted to see more information about each result on the SERP for any snippet type. At the same time, participants felt that the version with query-biased snippets was easier to use. We also report on relevant query formulation, result examination, and result selection strategies employed by participants. We conclude with a list of design implications and a discussion on what these findings mean for the future of structured search, especially on mobile devices.
Structured Search,Snippet Generation,Search Engine Result Page,Mobile Search,User Study,User-centric Design,People Search,Search Evaluation
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