Improvements in haematology for home health assistance and monitoring by a web based communication system

Angelo Galiano,Alessandro Massaro, Bachir Boussahel,Donato Barbuzzi, Francesco Tarulli,Leonardo Pellicani, Lino Renna,Attilio Guarini,Giacoma De Tullio, Giovanni Nardelli, Roberto Bonaduce,Carla Minoia,Sabino Ciavarella,Vincenza De Fazio,Antonio Negri, Caterina Marchionna

2016 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA)(2016)

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The authors have developed, in the field of a national project, an innovative communication system based on a web cloud platform oriented on the home-monitoring and home-assistance useful for de-hospitalization process. The goal of the work is to provide a tool for the hospital, able to manage different certified medical devices measuring data from patients at home. This management is provided by a web server system compatible with different devices and by a front-end panel able to register and to store data coming from these devices. The innovation is manly in the possibility to transfer the analyses from home to hospital thus reducing costs and providing more assistance and support to patients. The implemented database system represents a first step for future scientific studies and predictions requiring BigData storage.
Home assistance,Home Health,Home monitoring,Web Communication System,Smart Health
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