Quadratic Conditional Lower Bounds For String Problems And Dynamic Timewarping

arXiv (Cornell University)(2015)

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Classic similarity measures of strings are longest common subsequence and Levenshtein distance (i.e., the classic edit distance). A classic similarity measure of curves is dynamic time warping. These measures can be computed by simple O(n(2)) dynamic programming algorithms, and despite much effort no algorithms with significantly better running time are known.We prove that, even restricted to binary strings or one-dimensional curves, respectively, these measures do not have strongly subquadratic time algorithms, i.e., no algorithms with running time O(n(2-epsilon)) for any epsilon > 0, unless the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis fails. We generalize the result to edit distance for arbitrary fixed costs of the four operations (deletion in one of the two strings, matching, substitution), by identifying trivial cases that can be solved in constant time, and proving quadratic-time hardness on binary strings for all other cost choices. This improves and generalizes the known hardness result for Levenshtein distance [Backurs, Indyk STOC' 15] by the restriction to binary strings and the generalization to arbitrary costs, and adds important problems to a recent line of research showing conditional lower bounds for a growing number of quadratic time problems.As our main technical contribution, we introduce a framework for proving quadratic-time hardness of similarity measures. To apply the framework it suffices to construct a single gadget, which encapsulates all the expressive power necessary to emulate a reduction from satisfiability.Finally, we prove quadratic-time hardness for longest palindromic subsequence and longest tandem subsequence via reductions from longest common subsequence, showing that conditional lower bounds based on the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis also apply to string problems that are not necessarily similarity measures.
quadratic conditional lower bounds,string problems,dynamic time warping,classic similarity measures,Levenshtein distance,dynamic programming algorithms,binary strings,1D curves,subquadratic time algorithms,strong exponential time hypothesis,quadratic-time hardness,quadratic time problems,satisfiability,palindromic subsequence
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